Manual therapies
Manual therapies are skin care through touch, which will restore its radiance and alleviate the effects of stress and tension it faces daily. A natural lifting effect thanks to manual techniques utilizing the power of touch in an extraordinary massage. Relaxing rituals like Kobido, Facemodeling, or classic or transbuccal massage will provide you with a visible improvement in the appearance of your face by reducing wrinkles and muscle tension. Take care of your beauty according to the principles of natural care and achieve the ideal of beautiful and radiant skin.
Manual face therapies are a comprehensive set of techniques in the field of manual therapy, massage, or kinesioesthetic applications, aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance of the face, as well as healing on a psychophysical level.
Due to the variety and complexity of techniques used during therapy, it is possible to individually tailor the procedure to meet the aesthetic expectations of the client. The main assumption of manual face therapies is to counteract changes associated with the passage of time, slow down the aging process (slow aging), and reduce already existing aesthetic changes such as wrinkles, swelling, etc. During the treatment, we act on multiple layers, affecting different tissue levels in a manner consistent with their physiology and energy. This allows for restoring proper muscle tension and sliding between tissues, supporting the flow of tissue fluids. It also influences the correct posture of the body.