Endermology – Poznań

Endermology is one of the services available in our office in Poznań. If you are wondering what the procedure is, we are in a hurry to answer. This term is a mechanical vacuum massage that affects the connective tissue. What are the types of endermology? It can be used both on the face and on the body. It is worth mentioning here about the LPG endermology treatment. This effect on the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue through the use of extremely precise mechanical massage with the use of vacuum. LPG endermology is a lipomassage based on the phenomenon of mechanotransduction with a mechanical effect used to trigger the reaction of fat cells to the intensive release of fat. LPG endermologies, thanks to the principle of the pressurized roller massage, have a significant impact on the initiation of lipolysis.

Benefits of LPG endermology treatment

Alliance endermology contributes to the breakdown of adipose tissue, improvement of connective tissue elasticity, stimulation of dermal cells to increase collagen and elastin synthesis, and lymphatic drainage of the whole body. What are the main advantages of endermology? Well, it eliminates toxins, stimulates cell exchange, reduces water loss and contributes to the decompression of arteries, veins and lymph vessels. When it comes to the effects of LPG endermology, they include a modeled figure, firm skin, reduced amount of adipose tissue and cellulite, as well as detoxification of the body of toxins. The effects after 10 treatments of LPG endermology are clearly noticeable. Before and after – the difference is visible to the naked eye!

Are there any contraindications?

It is worth knowing that there are some contraindications regarding LPG endermology. These include, but are not limited to, hernia, hemangiomas, tumors, varicose veins, phlebitis, skin damage, taking medications for blood clotting, and the first few months after pregnancy. When it comes to the price of the treatment in our office, which is LPG Alliance endermology, it depends on whether the patient decides to undergo a single treatment or a series of treatments. The average cost of one visit is PLN 100.