Anna Galęba PhD, MD
Cert. Aesthetic Medicine Doctor
Cert. Cosmetic Doctor
Anna Galęba PhD, MD Cert. Aesthetic Medicine Doctor, Cert. Cosmetic Doctor I’m graduated from Medical University (as a Medical Doctor) in 2005 and I have a Diploma in Management in Health Care in 2008 (postgraduate) at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland). Cert. Cosmetic Doctor, Cert. Aesthetic Medicine Doctor I received in 2008, in Warsaw (completed with distinction). The degree of PhD, MD I received in 2011. I am the author of tens publications in reputable medical journals (more than 40) and medical books (more than 10). I’m Member of Editorial Board of several prestigious medical journals in Poland and abroad (USA, India). I am a Reviewer of prestigious medical journals in Poland and USA (with Impact Factor Thomson Reuters). I’m advanced aesthetic trainer. I have trained more than 2,000 doctors of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine from Poland and abroad (and about 500 cosmetologists from the basic of cosmetology). I regularly participates in congresses of aesthetic medicine also as a participant, speaker (almost 40 speeches), trainer, workshop moderator, chairman and president of the session. I have an Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging Private Practice in Warsaw and Poznan. Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. I am Chairman, Poland Chapter of Anti Ageing Foundation – Society of Regenerative Aesthetic & Functional Medicine in India. In my scientific approach professes the idea of medicine based on scientific evidence (EBM).