Cell Term – anti-cellulite treatment
It stimulates metabolism and oxygen exchange in the fat cells. It helps to remove stagnant fluids and toxins from the body, fights the signs of cellulite. It helps lymphatic drainage. The bandages applied over the body act on the skin with the active ingredients for 30 minutes. During the procedure a dynamic massage intensifying the effect of the treatment is performed.
Active ingredients:
- Caffeine: has anti-cellulite properties, improves natural drainage and detoxification. It speeds up metabolism, helps to increase fat burning and helps to eliminate the excess of water.
- Centella Asiatica: soothes and improves skin elasticity. It stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen. It protects capillaries. It supports natural drainage and gives the feeling of “light legs”.
- Fucus Vesiculosus (extract): thanks to its purifying properties, removes toxins from the body and stimulates the metabolism of fats. Due to the presence of iodine, it reduces the subcutaneous fatty deposits.
- Overweight
- Fat cellulite
- Flabby skin
The result:
- Slimming
- The burning of fat
- Improved flexibility
- Frequency of treatment: 6-10 treatments two times a week
- Duration: 75 min
- Price: 190 PLN
- Package of 6 treatments – 900 PLN (1140 PLN separately)
Contraindications: poor health, skin diseases, allergies, varicose veins, pregnancy.